Semana Santa de Sevilla( easter


Easter  is approaching and there are very few cities with more tradition Sevilla, that's why this year the perfect time to escape to our hotel in Seville is March! .
Magical places to watch the processions
There are specific points of the city where people brimming with emotion and really emotional and moments worth seeing live, if you want  keep  not only with the memory of the crowds and the crowd.
One of the best places to see Emblematics Esperanza de Triana is the bridge that bears his name. The image begins its way over the bridge and people bursts into applause and cheers and suddenly petals rain down from the sky. Hope leaves Sevilla Triana to wander until dawn.
Another great moment not to miss are the arrows they spend large images from the balconies. Among the stalwarts who always offer their voice to the brothers and devote an arrow to the Sevillian steps are also great artists on the national scene as Pastora Soler, Joana Jimenez (Esperanza Macarena) or Falete (Christ of the Gypsies). In Sierpes and O'Donnell people throng front balconies.
If you have to choose a day, especially the key moments live on Palm Sunday and Thursday morning (La Madrugá), even if if what you seek is yourself away from the crowds these are the days that you must avoid!
The first is the pastry La Campana (c / La Campana). For its good location in the center for decades and because their sweets are almost a sin, La Campana is a

Easter week( semana santa) 

Easter  is approaching and there are very few cities with more tradition Sevilla, that's why this year the perfect time to escape to our hotel in Seville is March! .

Magical places to watch the processions

There are specific points of the city where people brimming with emotion and really emotional and moments worth seeing live, if you want  keep  not only with the memory of the crowds and the crowd.

One of the best places to see Emblematics Esperanza de Triana is the bridge that bears his name. The image begins its way over the bridge and people bursts into applause and cheers and suddenly petals rain down from the sky. Hope leaves Sevilla Triana to wander until dawn.

Another great moment not to miss are the arrows they spend large images from the balconies. Among the stalwarts who always offer their voice to the brothers and devote an arrow to the Sevillian steps are also great artists on the national scene as Pastora Soler, Joana Jimenez (Esperanza Macarena) or Falete (Christ of the Gypsies). In Sierpes and O'Donnell people throng front balconies.

If you have to choose a day, especially the key moments live on Palm Sunday and Thursday morning (La Madrugá), even if if what you seek is yourself away from the crowds these are the days that you must avoid!

The first is the pastry La Campana (c / La Campana). For its good location in the center for decades and because their sweets are almost a sin, Seville La Campana is an emblematic place, and if we talk about French toast.


Semana Santa de Sevilla( easter 3000 10

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FESTE E TRADIZION : Semana Santa de Sevilla( easter   


Easter  is approaching and there are very few cities with more tradition Sevilla, that's why this year the perfect time to escape to our hotel in Seville is March! .
Magical places to watch the processions
There are specific points of the city where people brimming with emotion and really emotional and moments worth seeing live, if you want  keep  not only with the memory of the crowds and the crowd.
One of the best places to see Emblematics Esperanza de Triana is the bridge that bears his name. The image begins its way over the bridge and people bursts into applause and cheers and suddenly petals rain down from the sky. Hope leaves Sevilla Triana to wander until dawn.
Another great moment not to miss are the arrows they spend large images from the balconies. Among the stalwarts who always offer their voice to the brothers and devote an arrow to the Sevillian steps are also great artists on the national scene as Pastora Soler, Joana Jimenez (Esperanza Macarena) or Falete (Christ of the Gypsies). In Sierpes and O'Donnell people throng front balconies.
If you have to choose a day, especially the key moments live on Palm Sunday and Thursday morning (La Madrugá), even if if what you seek is yourself away from the crowds these are the days that you must avoid!
The first is the pastry La Campana (c / La Campana). For its good location in the center for decades and because their sweets are almost a sin, La Campana is a

Easter week( semana santa) 

Easter  is approaching and there are very few cities with more tradition Sevilla, that's why this year the perfect time to escape to our hotel in Seville is March! .

Magical places to watch the processions

There are specific points of the city where people brimming with emotion and really emotional and moments worth seeing live, if you want  keep  not only with the memory of the crowds and the crowd.

One of the best places to see Emblematics Esperanza de Triana is the bridge that bears his name. The image begins its way over the bridge and people bursts into applause and cheers and suddenly petals rain down from the sky. Hope leaves Sevilla Triana to wander until dawn.

Another great moment not to miss are the arrows they spend large images from the balconies. Among the stalwarts who always offer their voice to the brothers and devote an arrow to the Sevillian steps are also great artists on the national scene as Pastora Soler, Joana Jimenez (Esperanza Macarena) or Falete (Christ of the Gypsies). In Sierpes and O'Donnell people throng front balconies.

If you have to choose a day, especially the key moments live on Palm Sunday and Thursday morning (La Madrugá), even if if what you seek is yourself away from the crowds these are the days that you must avoid!

The first is the pastry La Campana (c / La Campana). For its good location in the center for decades and because their sweets are almost a sin, Seville La Campana is an emblematic place, and if we talk about French toast.



FESTE E TRADIZION : Feria de Sevilla    

Feria de Sevilla "Feria de Abril"

La feria está marcado tradicionalmente por la ceremonia con encendido del alumbrado del Real. Que es donde se enciende miles de bombillas de  la portada y sus calles dan comienzo a una semana de fiesta. Su apodo el inicio de la feria “El alumbrao” que suele ser  un lunes  a las 12 de la noche del mes de abril. Todo se adorna de farolillos y bombillas de colores. Por ellas, pasean por el día paseos en coche de caballos y caballistas  y sus visitantes las mujeres con  trajes de flamencas y todo el mundo canta y baila por sevillanas tanto dentro como fuera de las casetas.

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FESTE E TRADIZION : Semana Santa de Sevilla   

Semana Santa de Sevilla

La Semana Santa se acerca y hay muy pocas ciudades con más tradición que Sevilla, ¡por eso este año el mes perfecto para escaparse a nuestro hotel en Sevilla es marzo! .

Lugares mágicos para ver las procesiones

Hay puntos concretos de la ciudad donde la gente rebosa de emoción y se viven momentos realmente emotivos y dignos de ver, si no queréis quedaros solo con el recuerdo de las aglomeraciones y el gentío. 

Uno de los mejores sitios para ver a la Emblemática Esperanza de Triana es el 

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FESTE E TRADIZION : Semana Santa Sevilla   

La Semana Santa en Sevilla 


Es una de las mas vistosas y hermosas de Andalucía, es una semana donde todos los Sevillanos le rinden culto a sus santos paseándolos por el centro de la ciudad llenos de ganas y pasión, y animando ese paseo  con bonitas melodías musicales que acompañan las cofradías. Consejos: si quieres pasar desapercibido??En esos días los sevillanos suelen ir bien vestidos, y además la gran mayoría tapean en bares del centro de la ciudad, están todos los bares a rebozar de gente, te lo tienes que tomar con calma cuando pidas algo, hay mucha gente. Lleva encima una cámara de fotos porque realmente harás unas fotos espectaculares. Todos...

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FESTE E TRADIZION : Feria de Sevilla - Abril   

Feria de Sevilla


El sevillano durante la Feria, convierte la Caseta en su casa, en   ella   recibe   y  atiende a  familiares   y  amigos y ejerce de anfitrión como si en ella estuviera.

 En  las   casetas,   sencilla y   bellamente    engalanadas,   no falta   el   Fino  de    Jerez   o  la   Manzanilla de  Sanlúcar  de

Barrameda,  el  jamón,  las  gambas,  el  baile, las  sevillanas,


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FESTE E TRADIZION : Las Soles ( Vídeoclip Andalucía )   

Las Soles

Loli, Isabel y Esperanza Lobato Díaz, son las únicas tres mujeres de una familia de ocho hermanos. Nacidas en el barrio de El Tardón en Triana, desde pequeñitas, cantan bajo la atenta mirada de su padre, que como una asignatura más de la escuela, les imponía el cante todas las tardes, a sabiendas de que en ellas había madera de artista. Él ha sido en parte, el responsable de que hoy en día Soles, estén donde están. Con especial cariño recuerdan cuando su padre compró una lámpara con tres focos para que alumbraran sus actuaciones en casa. Apenas contaban con 10 años cuando cantaron por primera vez el tema de Camarón “Como el...

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Apartamentos Sevilla Palace

C/ Feria N.6 41002. Sevilla, España.
apartamentosferia6@gmail.com | Tel. 954217976

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